
Nature’s Tapestry originals reflect my love affair with natural fiber's luscious hand, its varied textures, and the vibrancy of its colors. I use traditional rug hooks on linen backing to create my highly textured works. My originals are finished with a fabric backing for added durability.

I utilize varied script, proportion, loop heights, widths and direction in my stylized work to better mimic the natural ebb and flow of landscape and life.

As a child I watched my grandmother hook and braid rugs or cut and piece quilts. I was fascinated by the way the light played on a velvet quilt piece: changing its hue from rich purple to inky black. I reveled in the creamy softness of silk on my cheek and delighted in squishing a pillow filled with hand pulled fleece or goosedown.

As a student I dabbled in pencil, pastels, and oils but never with real commitment. No matter how many acknowledgements I received from others the work always felt flat and lifeless to me. It was in my fifties that I returned to the vibrancy of fiber and it was only then that I felt I was finally “coming home” artistically . I believe that it is with fiber alone: often hand dyed and hand spun, that I can be truly creative.